Having been wholesaled in a large quantity by our partners across the globe, OCT lace hair system is highly recognized for its lightweight, breathability, realism, and ease of maintenance. With poly skin from side to side across the back, this lace hair system is easy to attach and clean. If you do not want to go through the hassle of cleaning up the glue or tape residue, OCT lace hair system would be a nice choice! We offer a variety of base sizes for you to choose from so you don’t have to cut it to size yourself. However, we only have 1B color for this unit, if you are looking for different colors, the Q6 lace hair system is a very similar option.
Easy to wear and maintain, only takes a few minutes to attach it to the scalp, and only needs a moment to clean when it is through wearing
Stress-free experience to wear when you work, date, sleep, take a shower, swim, work out, and so on.
we are the trusted source of hairstylists, salons, cosmology schools, and clinics across the globe.